



Sunmoon is an AI, full stack application development (web, mobile) agency with a team of senior software engineers and PhDs from MIT, Spotify, Semrush, headquartered in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

We help companies by building and teaching ML, full-stack development expertise, such as custom AI model, AI full-stack application development, Prompt Engineering, MLOps, DevOps, LLMs fine-tuning and hosting. We like working with many kinds of tools including Next.js, React Native, Vercel, GCP, AWS, React, and especially Supabase.

Sunmoon has gotten positive reviews from clients such as Spotify, Semrush, and innovative startups in North America and Europe.


End-to-End solution for AI and Data-intensive products

With time, we have perfected ourselves to build end-to-end AI and Data products with all parts (backend, front-end, DevOps) and in different platforms (mobile, web). There are clear design patterns in the development and productization of UX/UI of data and AI products that we have found and we are finding new ones with continuous self-learning and research.

Productionising AI, ML solutions

We help startups and enterprises by designing the architecture of the AI application, productionising the entire pipeline utilising best practices on platforms such as AWS, Google Cloud. Research has shown that using AI can be the best way to quickly tackle common business challenges, and our AI experts take the toil and difficulty out of this for you.

We provide services including

  • Prompt Engineering
  • MLOps, DevOps
  • LLMs fine-tuning and hosting.
  • Build next generation AI, full-stack app with cutting-edge technologies
  • Custom AI model
  • Large Scale Recommendations Systems and Search System design, deployment and productionisation

Full Stack Web, Mobile App Development

We start by identifying the goal of launching the app, where our UX researchers, designers, DevOps, frontend, backend, software engineers assist our clients. We provide production ready applications that’s well maintained productionising the entire pipeline utilising best practices,

Our team has extensive experience building web and mobile applications, libraries, cloud solutions for companies of all sizes.

How we use Supabase

We use Supabase for development efficiency and scalability, especially for the fast development and deployment of AI products. Supabase has made fast strides in keeping up with the state-of-the-art infrastructure needs of AI products. It fits perfectly with our needs.

Out of the box, Supabase takes care of essential functionalities such as Database, Storage, Authentication, which accelerates development.

We like Supabase being open source where it constantly upgrades itself with modern web solutions.

Our Ideal Supabase Project

Multimodality (audio, video, text, images) AI-based system which uses the information from all modality types, combines the information, and outputs amazing outcomes and information. We use the Supabase backend and more importantly, Supabase Postgres as a vector store for embeddings for all modalities.

More than 85% of our projects till now fall under the above category.

We also like to help clients who would like to quickly build MVP and test the product market fit.

